Source code for mautrix.appservice.api.appservice

# Copyright (c) 2018 Tulir Asokan
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
from typing import Optional, Dict, Awaitable, Union, Any, TYPE_CHECKING
from datetime import datetime, timezone
import asyncio

from ...api import HTTPAPI, Method, PathBuilder
from ...types import UserID
from .intent import IntentAPI

    from logging import Logger
    from aiohttp import ClientSession
    from ..state_store import StateStore

[docs]class AppServiceAPI(HTTPAPI): """ AppServiceAPI is an extension to HTTPAPI that provides appservice-specific features, such as child instances and easy access to IntentAPIs. """ def __init__(self, base_url: str, bot_mxid: UserID = None, token: str = None, identity: Optional[UserID] = None, log: 'Logger' = None, state_store: 'StateStore' = None, client_session: 'ClientSession' = None, child: bool = False, real_user: bool = False, real_user_content_key: Optional[str] = None, loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None) -> None: """ Args: base_url: The base URL of the homeserver client-server API to use. bot_mxid: The Matrix user ID of the appservice bot. token: The access token to use. identity: The ID of the Matrix user to act as. log: The logging.Logger instance to log requests with. state_store: The StateStore instance to use. client_session: The aiohttp ClientSession to use. child: Whether or not this is instance is a child of another AppServiceAPI. real_user: Whether or not this is a real (non-appservice-managed) user. real_user_content_key: The key to inject in outgoing message events sent through real users. """ super().__init__(base_url=base_url, token=token, loop=loop, log=log if (real_user or child) else log.getChild("api"), client_session=client_session, txn_id=0 if not child else None) self.identity: UserID = identity self.bot_mxid: UserID = bot_mxid self._bot_intent: Optional[IntentAPI] = None self.state_store: 'StateStore' = state_store self.is_real_user: bool = real_user self.real_user_content_key: Optional[str] = real_user_content_key if not child: self.txn_id: int = 0 self.intent_log: 'Logger' = log.getChild("intent") if not real_user: self.children: Dict[str, 'ChildAppServiceAPI'] = {} self.real_users: Dict[str, 'AppServiceAPI'] = {}
[docs] def user(self, user: UserID) -> 'ChildAppServiceAPI': """ Get the AppServiceAPI for an appservice-managed user. Args: user: The Matrix user ID of the user whose AppServiceAPI to get. Returns: The ChildAppServiceAPI object for the user. """ if self.is_real_user: raise ValueError("Can't get child of real user") try: return self.children[user] except KeyError: child = ChildAppServiceAPI(user, self) self.children[user] = child return child
[docs] def real_user(self, mxid: str, token: str, base_url: Optional[str] = None) -> 'AppServiceAPI': """ Get the AppServiceAPI for a real (non-appservice-managed) Matrix user. Args: mxid: The Matrix user ID of the user whose AppServiceAPI to get. token: The access token for the user. base_url: The base URL of the homeserver client-server API to use. Defaults to the appservice homeserver URL. Returns: The AppServiceAPI object for the user. Raises: ValueError: When this AppServiceAPI instance is a real user. """ if self.is_real_user: raise ValueError("Can't get child of real user") try: return self.real_users[mxid] except KeyError: child = self.__class__(base_url=base_url or self.base_url, token=token, identity=mxid, log=self.log, state_store=self.state_store, client_session=self.session, real_user=True, real_user_content_key=self.real_user_content_key, loop=self.loop) self.real_users[mxid] = child return child
[docs] def bot_intent(self) -> 'IntentAPI': """ Get the intent API for the appservice bot. Returns: The IntentAPI object for the appservice bot """ if not self._bot_intent: self._bot_intent = IntentAPI(self.bot_mxid, self, state_store=self.state_store, log=self.intent_log) return self._bot_intent
[docs] def intent(self, user: UserID = None, token: Optional[str] = None, base_url: Optional[str] = None) -> 'IntentAPI': """ Get the intent API of a child user. Args: user: The Matrix user ID whose intent API to get. token: The access token to use. Only applicable for non-appservice-managed users. base_url: The base URL of the homeserver client-server API to use. Only applicable for non-appservice users. Defaults to the appservice homeserver URL. Returns: The IntentAPI object for the given user. Raises: ValueError: When this AppServiceAPI instance is a real user. """ if self.is_real_user: raise ValueError("Can't get child intent of real user") if token: return IntentAPI(user, self.real_user(user, token, base_url), self.bot_intent(), self.state_store, self.intent_log) return IntentAPI(user, self.user(user), self.bot_intent(), self.state_store, self.intent_log)
[docs] def request(self, method: Method, path: PathBuilder, content: Optional[Union[Dict, bytes, str]] = None, timestamp: Optional[int] = None, external_url: Optional[str] = None, headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, query_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> Awaitable[Dict]: """ Make a raw HTTP request, with optional AppService timestamp massaging and external_url setting. Args: method: The HTTP method to use. path: The API endpoint to call. Does not include the base path (e.g. /_matrix/client/r0). content: The content to post as a dict (json) or bytes/str (raw). timestamp: The timestamp query param used for timestamp massaging. external_url: The external_url field to send in the content (only applicable if content is dict). headers: The dict of HTTP headers to send. query_params: The dict of query parameters to send. api_path: The base API path. Returns: The response as a dict. """ query_params = query_params or {} if timestamp is not None: if isinstance(timestamp, datetime): timestamp = int(timestamp.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp() * 1000) query_params["ts"] = timestamp if isinstance(content, dict) and external_url is not None: content["external_url"] = external_url if self.identity and not self.is_real_user: query_params["user_id"] = self.identity return super(AppServiceAPI, self).request(method, path, content, headers, query_params)
[docs]class ChildAppServiceAPI(AppServiceAPI): """ ChildAppServiceAPI is a simple way to copy AppServiceAPIs while maintaining a shared txn_id. """ parent: AppServiceAPI def __init__(self, user: UserID, parent: AppServiceAPI) -> None: """ Args: user: The Matrix user ID of the child user. parent: The parent AppServiceAPI instance. """ super().__init__(parent.base_url, parent.bot_mxid, parent.token, user, parent.log, parent.state_store, parent.session, loop=parent.loop, child=True, real_user_content_key=parent.real_user_content_key) self.parent = parent @property def txn_id(self) -> int: return self.parent.txn_id @txn_id.setter def txn_id(self, value: int) -> None: self.parent.txn_id = value